UX Designer
Melbourne, Australia
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Hi! I'm Daniel, a UX/UI designer and researcher based in Melbourne, Australia.
Why UX?
What draws me to the work is the ability to be creative, understand and solve human problems, and to work within a team to deliver a high quality product.
I was originally a physiotherapist, however found the work less fulfilling than I thought it would be. I found that the work, although interactive, was quite isolating. I also had a strong desire to be more creative, and to work on projects with other people.
Towards the end of 2022, I transitioned towards UX/UI Design. It felt as though I had found something that I enjoyed, and I continue to do so.
Outside of work
Outside of work, my life mainly consists of reading novels, watching anime, playing volleyball and spending time with friends and family. Although introverted, I enjoy spending time connecting and meeting with new people.