UX Designer
Melbourne, Australia
Designing a plant-care mobile app
The Problem
An increasing number of plant owners are struggling to take care of their plants since COVID
Group Project
Daniel Yuong
Sarah Xia
Diana Navert
My Role
User Research
UX/UI Design
Front End Development
3 Weeks
March 2023
Our group hypothesised that since COVID, an increasing number of plant-growers are struggling to keep their plants healthy in their households. We experienced this personally as a group, and were interested to see if this was the case amongst other people as well.

Our group set out to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research methods to try and determine whether this was the case.
Our group completed 6 one-to-one interviews with plant owners, with the aim of discovering the pain points associated with plant care.

We then categorized the data using an affinity diagram to get a better picture of the data collected.
We also conducted a survey which was completed by 21 respondents.

Some key research data we found from the surveys were:
  • 20 out of 21 respondents (95%) report they would benefit from added guidance in looking after their plant
  • 10 out of 21 respondents (47%) report themselves as having poor or very poor knowledge in the conditions best suited for their plants.
  • 8 out of 21 respondents (39%) reporting themselves as poor or very poor at looking after their plant
User Insights
After collating our research data, we were able to gather a few key insights to action upon.

These insights served as a basis for the eventual features of our mobile app.
User Persona
Keeping the insights learnt in mind, our team developed a user persona to better represent our target users.

Maria represents a plant owner who lacks knowledge on how to best look after her plants, and is consequently struggling to keep them healthy.
Journey Map
Our group also made a user journey map to describe the current journey struggling plant owners may undertake.

Developing the journey map allowed us to gain further insight into pain points users may experience when looking after their plants.
Problem Statement
After completing our user research and defining our target audience, we formalised a problem statement for our app to solve.
Comparative Analysis
Our group also completed a comparative analysis of similar apps on the market, informing us of any potential gaps we could fill.

Completing this analysis we realised that the market was already quite saturated, so our focus switched to improving some of the current weaknesses of apps on the market.
User Flows
We also constructed user flows for the main features in our app, allowing us to visualise the ideal pathway we wanted our users to undertake.

This step also allowed us to identify any potential pain points users may encounter in the pathway, and resolve this prior to commencing our designs.
After completing our user flows, our team was eager to start designing.

We completed some low fidelity wireframes in Figma before conducting some usability testing. We then refined our designs based off the feedback, iterating our designs to a higher fidelity.
Try Clickable Prototype Here!
Usability Testing
Throughout the design process, our team completed usability tests to validate our ideas and designs.

Some key feedback which we implemented from the usability testing included:
  • Simplifying the watering schedule user flow
  • Modernising the splash screen design
  • Changing home page layout and menu design
Landing Page
To complete our project, we designed and coded a landing page to display the features of our app.

We utilised HTML, CSS and Javascript to build a responsive webpage, hosting it through GitHub Pages.
Try Landing Page Here!